I want to save time by using a computer and convert it to a richer time for people.
I want my free time to be spent on human time by automating repetitive tasks through programs. Stroll in the park, talk to your family, listen to music, look at the sky and see if it's beautiful.
令和元年度補正・令和3年度第三次補正 サービス等生産性向上IT導入支援事業費補助金 IT導入支援事業者に採択されました。 塾向けのオンラインシステムをFirebaseを活用した新しい技術で開発しITツールとして登録しております。 その他にも飲食向けのテイクアウト・デリバリーのモバイルアプリ(Flutter/Android/iOS)やWebベースのPWAアプリ開発も行っております。 是非ご相談ください。
令和元年度補正・令和2年度第三次補正 サービス等生産性向上IT導入支援事業費補助金 IT導入支援事業者に採択されました。 塾向けのオンラインシステムをFirebaseを活用した新しい技術で開発しITツールとして登録しております。 その他にも飲食向けのテイクアウト・デリバリーのモバイルアプリ(Flutter/Android/iOS)やWebベースのPWAアプリ開発も行っております。 是非ご相談ください。
loFT合同会社は、2020年11月20日付で子会社「Lorchestra株式会社」を設立致しましたのでお知らせいたします。 子会社Lorchestra株式会社では、主にGCPを活用したWEB・システム・アプリの受託開発の事業拡大を目的とし、専門性の高い開発者を雇用し技術力の強みを活かした企業価値の向上を目指します。 今後とも、お客様のご期待にお応えできるよう日々精進してまいりますので、何卒倍旧のご厚情を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。
令和元年度補正・令和二年度補正(特別枠含む)サービス等生産性向上IT導入支援事業費補助金IT導入支援事業者に採択されました。 塾向けのオンラインシステムをFirebaseを活用した新しい技術で開発しITツールとして登録しております。 是非ご相談ください。
Technical articles
A company that conducts website creation, web system development, mobile application development, system design, construction, and IT consulting in Musashino, Tokyo. The company has been established as a full-stack engineer for more than 10 years at development companies, ventures, and freelancers, to incorporate the ideal development base, system operation methods, and the latest technologies, to conduct contract development and develop its own services. We support infrastructure design, construction, maintenance, UI / UX design, web systems, mobile application development, and IT consulting utilizing Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
An experienced full stack engineer specializing in the Web that can handle design, program, infrastructure, and consulting will provide one-on-one support and development from design to system completion. My specialty is infrastructure design, construction and Python programming utilizing Google Cloud Platform ™ (GCP).
IT導入支援事業者 採択通知書Programming language / framework
Python Go TypeScript Javascript Dart bash Awk C# PHP HTML5 CSS3 Sass Gin Django Starlette Flask Flutter Nuxt Vue Firebase .NETMiddleware / Tools
Kubernetes Istio Docker Nginx Apache uWSGI Uvicorn Node.js PostgreSQL MySQL Debian Ubuntu RHEL CentOS CoreOS Alpine Linux GitDesign
We do web design and UI / UX based on material design. The design tool adopts Figma, and it goes smoothly by sharing the design from the prototype. The design philosophy of the design is to be reusable parts, intuitive operability, and programmatic, and it is constantly changing according to the trend of the Web.
System development
There are many web systems development using Python, and there are many development achievements such as CMS, matching system, backbone system. Mobile application development is efficient because it is implemented with Flutter compatible with iOS / Android. Please consult us as you can use many languages according to your requirements.
We specialize in Linux-based infrastructure design and construction utilizing GCP products. We handle distributions such as Debian, Ubuntu, RHEL, Centos, Coreos, Alpine Linux, etc.We operate our own company and client infrastructure in micro services using Kubernetes and Istio, and serverless environments such as Firebase, CloudRun, AppEngine etc. . We always adopt the latest technology, but we do not always keep it up to date, and our design guideline is "maintenance-free and simple". Considering applications, infrastructure, and the entire system, we will provide a scalable, secure, and maintenance-free infrastructure utilizing GCP products.